Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The Art of Questioning was discussed by Ms. Dhoriza Jean Loreto, she said that “it is assumed that good teaching involves good questioning, especially when large groups of pupils/students are being taught”. There are also different Types of Questioning these are: (1) according to thinking process involving from low level to high level. (2) According to type of answers required. (3) According to the degree of person exploring or valuing.

There are also Descriptive Categories of Questioning-Several authorities have formulated their own categories and models of questions and these are: (1) Cognitive memory questions, (2) Convergent question, (3) Divergent questions, (4) Evaluation questions.

The questions are designed to engage the learner in levels of cognitive task such as: concept formation, generalizing and inferring, and application of principles.

She also introduced the use of question these are; (1) to simulate the learners to think, (2) to motivate the learner interest, (3) to diagnose learners difficulties arising from learning task (4) to help the learners organize, synthesize and evaluate learning experience, (5) to aid the learner to relate pertinent and important experiences to the lesson, (6) to develop new appreciation and attitudes, (7) to show relationship, such as cause and effect, (8) to encourage the learners r\to apply concepts to new situations and problems, (9) to provide drill and practice, (10) to encourage learner evaluation.

All of these created advantageous tool to be an effective instructor in a future. 

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