Thursday, July 19, 2012


Meaningful Learning Theory, this was the topic that we discussed on the 4th week with Kim Brian Hinaloc as a reporter.

Meaningful Learning Theory takes place where an individual learns by relating newly acquired information to what the learners already knows, according to Ausubel.

This was further elaborated through the characteristics and concepts related to meaningful learning theory: Meaningful Learning Set, Relevant Prior Knowledge, Organization, Elaboration, Visual Imagery, Advanced Organizers and Cognitive Structure.

Therefore, every information which was learned already, was further improved by the newly acquired information.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Learning in our third week which is reported by Miss Oval has its 3 Information Processing. The Sensory Memory, Working or Short-Term Memory, and the Long-Term Memory which are best explained below.

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Process takes place when the information stores in just few period of time, which is said to be Sensory Memory. From sensory memory to the Working Memory, information is assigned meaning and relate it  to other information. Finally, after it has been absorbed and gave its corresponding meaning, Long-Term memory takes place. Information stores for a lifetime and retrieve if it is needed to relate to another situation.