Tuesday, October 2, 2012


There are some important parts of a good lesson plan. We considered the prerequisites in lesson planning. These are: knowledge of the subject matter, knowing the children or the students, familiarity with different strategies, materials and understanding of objectives. These prerequisites make the teacher become effective and more successful. In creating lesson plan it should not be too detailed. Instead, it should be planned within the time allotment for the subject. 


The best thing to prepare is every teaching activity is lesson plan. This serves as a tool or guidelines to be able to attain the result of every activity engaged everyday. Lesson plan considered as a blueprint of a teacher. Why is a lesson plan important?

Lesson plan is very important in teaching activity, because it helps the students to developed education growth, and the wise teacher who plans his lessons well gets optimum result in his teaching strategies. It prevents also wasting of time, and help the teacher to be systematic and orderly organized. 


Unit plan has a great value to the teacher because it served as the basis for developing a set of related daily teaching plans and education activities. Thus, it is been a valuable to the teacher since then for it guides the later to make his/her teaching strategies more effective, efficient and consistent.

Unit plan has five components that are going to apply; first, what are your objectives in making a unit plan. Next is content, it often includes the three categories: knowledge, skills, and values. Then skills, it consists of critical reading, skimming, and scanning. Learning activities, such as; field trips, debates, research and experiments. And the last one is Resource materials. 

Monday, October 1, 2012


To define planning, it is a process that begins with objectives and defines strategies, policies, and detailed plan to achieve the desired results. Thus it has a guide in order to prepare and organize lessons, and this we call mapping. The guidelines for mapping recommendations or course level of planning. Be sure you understand the rational of the course in the context of goals of the school. Clarify the focus of the course designed to stress subject matter, learner need, or social needs. Determine if there is special need for the course. And decide on important components so that they can be used as framework for your unit planning.

And so as a future teacher it is a guidelines to be better teacher and be a effective teacher.


Perennialism theory, this has been discussed by Junavile Bastasa as a part of Function of Teaching. The theory states that, education is a preparation for life. In which I relate most as a future teacher.

As a teacher it is quite obvious that what has been done in teaching is somewhat reflected to its personality, from personality up to our life. On the part of the students, education is their preparation for their better life. 

Part of the topic that was discussed, stated that, education is a social process. We learned to our society through people’s behavior.