Wednesday, October 17, 2012


The movie, talks about the life of the teacher who tried to manage his students with all his effort. But all of his sweat in instructing his student is not that adequate that his students were not believed on him even to listened on his discussion. His students have a different culture, behavior, values and belief. It is a challenge to him on how to handle his students with different capacity, ability, and with social differences due to the different environment they are grown up.

As I witnessed the movie is a challenged for me to think of strategies in which suited to the individual differences of my class. I will not be like Mr. Francis Marin, who are just take easy on his class and never let himself to be strict for his student to believe on him and will respect him as their teacher and with a person with profession. I will try to discipline the students so they will be matured, because in the movie the students even they are in the legal age they don’t even know even to discipline their self and to inculcate into their mind the value of respect so the other will respect to them also. Education for me is not more in academic but also with values, personality development in public relation. Educated for me is different from professionalism and I will introduce it further to my class so that they will graduate with academic learning and with developed values into their life.

Back to the story, it tells us how to be responsible. As a teacher it is our duty to educate our students not just on how to pronounce the word appropriately, to add the numbers, or on how to properly handle the computer, but also to introduce to them the value of disciplined in which reflect to our own personality. To be effective teacher it is better to be accompanied with a word, “good teacher”. It is our privilege to the teachers if their students learned from them.

Therefore, the movie is the lesson for us to be learned as the teacher-learner to educate our students that education is better if it is supplemented with good values.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Laboratory Method is the set of the first learning activity such as investigate problem, conducts experiments, observes process, and applied theories in a simulated setting.
Laboratory, on the other hand, is an often referred to place for experimental study in natural and physical sciences where various experimental apparatus, equipment and chemical substances are tested and prepared.

Corresponding two types of Laboratory Method, (1) Experimental type; is the aimed to train individuals in solving a problems coupled with acquisition of information and development of motor skills. (2) Observational Type; the primacy objective is acquisition of important facts and information.

All of the above information is the fact came from “Basic Principles and Method of Teaching”. And it was reported to the class by Mr. Allan Bruces. It was quite advantage to us as a listener for all of the above information made inculcated into our mind how grate and advantage in itself the laboratory method. 


The Art of Questioning was discussed by Ms. Dhoriza Jean Loreto, she said that “it is assumed that good teaching involves good questioning, especially when large groups of pupils/students are being taught”. There are also different Types of Questioning these are: (1) according to thinking process involving from low level to high level. (2) According to type of answers required. (3) According to the degree of person exploring or valuing.

There are also Descriptive Categories of Questioning-Several authorities have formulated their own categories and models of questions and these are: (1) Cognitive memory questions, (2) Convergent question, (3) Divergent questions, (4) Evaluation questions.

The questions are designed to engage the learner in levels of cognitive task such as: concept formation, generalizing and inferring, and application of principles.

She also introduced the use of question these are; (1) to simulate the learners to think, (2) to motivate the learner interest, (3) to diagnose learners difficulties arising from learning task (4) to help the learners organize, synthesize and evaluate learning experience, (5) to aid the learner to relate pertinent and important experiences to the lesson, (6) to develop new appreciation and attitudes, (7) to show relationship, such as cause and effect, (8) to encourage the learners r\to apply concepts to new situations and problems, (9) to provide drill and practice, (10) to encourage learner evaluation.

All of these created advantageous tool to be an effective instructor in a future. 


The classroom management was discussed by Mr. Edzrael Khan Damada, he said that, the classroom management establishes an atmosphere which permits activities to be carried an efficiently and economically. There are some aspects to be considered in classroom management these are: lighting, care and routine, directing and controlling learning, and the biggest aspect of classroom management, the discipline. The following is the tool considering by the teacher for it helps to control the unnecessary attitudes of the students and to be comfortable for them to focus. The more it is solemn and away from distractions, the more the students focus on his studies.

We have to considered classroom management for if we can’t manage then our instruction is useless and unfruitful. 


The seminar group is a deliberative body looking for the solution to the problem from the evidence based on reading, experiences and minds of its participants.
In preparing for a discussion in a seminar depend on:
  • ·         How complex the seminar is
  • ·         How much of a n expert the leader
  • ·         How skillful the leader is in guiding through the process of leader.

The steps to follow in group solving are:
  1. 1.    Identify the problem
  2. 2.    Gathering data
  3. 3.    Analyzing the data
  4. 4.    Formulating hypothesis
  5. 5.    Testing hypothesis
  6. 6.    Formulating a conclusion or solution.

The following were reported by Mr. Rico Ricopuerto, in which tends to discussed the importance of the latter. How is it helpful to the teacher and to the learner.


According to Darrel L. Murray, “A module is a self-contained and independent unit of instructing with a primary focus a few-defined objectives.” Module is been an important tool to the teacher for them to achieve their goals and objective in just a minimum period of time.

Module as an instructional materials has a corresponding criteria and these are:
  • ·         it should be self-contained,
  • ·         it should be self-pacing,
  • ·         its topic or subject matter should be short enough and well-defined,
  • ·         it should be adequately motivating,
  • ·         it should provide opportunities for interaction with learner,
  • ·         its objectives and activities should be properly sequenced,
  • ·         it should be written in clear, correct language suitable to the level of the target learner,
  • ·         it should be so written as to make it interesting and appealing to the learner,
  • ·         it should be accurate,
  • ·         it should not have wrong implication for conflict with other subject matter or values,
  • ·         it should utilize every opportunity to achieve outcomes of learning,
  • ·         it should contained all necessary components of a module,
  • ·         the components of the module should be highly supportive of one another. 

All of the stated above is very much important for it serves as a guidelines, especially for us as a the teacher-learner so that all of the topic that we discussed would be more fruitful.

Monday, October 15, 2012


In demonstration method one thing we should remember is to moderate in demonstrating the steps, etc. so the learner could understand what you are taking about. Better introduce the most importantly point in the lesson so we can lessen the time and the effort. The lessen the time and effort the, lessen the burden to the part of the instructor. And, the more it is concise the more it is apprehended. 

Many of the instructors now a days are so fast in demonstrating, so the learner can’t understand with the topic.  

Therefore, as the teacher to be more productive we should considering the fact that the learner has a zero knowledge with the topic discussed, so we do not have to be hurry in demonstrating.