Wednesday, October 10, 2012


According to the reporter, Miss Arcelyn Villaver, demonstration method is a learning method through imitation. And she added that, demonstration is a teaching procedure which may also be classified as an audiovisual device. She also introduced the different steps in demonstration method, these are: purposing, planning, demonstration proper, execution, and evaluation.

Demonstration method has a great advantage to the teacher to target his/her goal in teaching. It helps on how to be an effective and efficient and consistent instructor.

Lecture method was also discussed by the reporter, which she defined as the most common method used of imparting knowledge and information among the students. She also discussed the conditions that often use Lecture Method. All of those are an important guide when we use the lecture method.

The metacognition teaching method was also explained. This is an instructional method where learners are trained to become aware of and control over their learning by utilizing metacognition process. She identified the five steps used in metacognition teaching approach, these are:  planning, deciding, monitoring, evaluating, and terminating.

All of what have been discussed is a great help to the teacher-learner in his/her instruction field.


Methods of teaching comprise the principles and methods used for instruction. Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combination of these. The choice of teaching method(s) to be used depends largely on the information or skill that being taught, and it may also be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm of the students. The latter has its corresponding principles which guide every teaching method to be more consistent and effective.

A method of teaching is been important to learn by the teacher-learner for them to have the best weapon in teaching battle.  

On this week we also discussed the inductive and deductive methods, which is also an important tool when we are now in the teaching practice. The project methods was also discussed and it said, “A project is a significant, practical unit of activity of a problematic nature, planned and carried to completion by the student in a nature manner, and involving the use of physical materials to complete the unit of experience.


The drill lesson was discussed by Ms. Ruelene Cabatuan during her report. She said that the drill lesson is intended for automatization of certain facts, information, habit, attitudes and skill to fix association for permanency of to perfect a certain degree a particular skill.

The lesson was focus on the practice of what have been taught or simply says as drills in which the learner practice from the given exercise.

Other the other hand, drill lesson is been an advantageous to the part of the students for them to be learned from what they experienced. as what they have always says, "learning through experiences is very much effective."


Mr. Ghei El Bongabong reported the different types of lesson, these are: development lesson, supervised study lesson, review lesson, drill lesson, appreciation lesson, and application lesson. He was also discussed the two types of developmental lesson which was the formal and informal. The following are most valuable especially when we are now in the field for practicum.
It makes us our tool to target our goal which is the learning of the students, to be effective and efficient instructor during our teaching practice. 

Monday, October 8, 2012


Taxonomy of Education was reported by Vic Onod. He determined the three classifications of objectives. There are: Cognitive domain, mental skills (Knowledge); affective domain, growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude); and psychomotor domain, manual or physical skills (Skills). Taxonomy of Education Objectives was clearly defined as a classification scheme categorizes a wide range of learning outcomes into more manageable clusters that shares some common dimension.

Each of the domains has its corresponding key words in which it will be a big help for us to formulate an objectives that best and suited to our teaching skills in the future.